Commercial Leases

Real Estate Riches: Hiding in Plain Sight in the Niches 06/19/2024

We’re at an interesting inflection point in the real estate cycle.  While some asset classes are performing well, others are struggling. Data centers are performing well, in some instances exceedingly well.  The warehouse sector has come down off of its pandemic high, but seems primed for a prolonged run of stable growth.  Climate controlled warehouse …

Real Estate Riches: Hiding in Plain Sight in the Niches 06/19/2024 Read More »

Exceedant In the News: Podcast “Commercial Lease Negotiation” (Originally published at IREM)

Commercial Lease Negotiation IREM: From the Front Lines   Randy Airst, CEO of Exceedant discusses merit-based negotiation, objective criteria, BATNA, and more for negotiating commercial and retail leases during this time of uncertainty. To Listen to the full Podcast >

Exceedant In the News: The Evolution of Lease Negotiation (originally published at

The Evolution of Lease Negotiation COVID-19 changed just about everything, the way we shop, socialize, travel and work.  In many instances, the changes are readily discernible and quite… [To read the full article >] By Randall Airst, CEO at EXCEEDANT | August 19, 2020 at 07:26 AM (Originally published online at Globe st.) COVID-19 …

Exceedant In the News: The Evolution of Lease Negotiation (originally published at Read More »