Commercial Property Management

Exceedant In the News: Podcast “Commercial Lease Negotiation” (Originally published at IREM)

Commercial Lease Negotiation IREM: From the Front Lines   Randy Airst, CEO of Exceedant discusses merit-based negotiation, objective criteria, BATNA, and more for negotiating commercial and retail leases during this time of uncertainty. To Listen to the full Podcast >

Exceedant In the News: The Evolution of Lease Negotiation (originally published at

The Evolution of Lease Negotiation COVID-19 changed just about everything, the way we shop, socialize, travel and work.  In many instances, the changes are readily discernible and quite… [To read the full article >] By Randall Airst, CEO at EXCEEDANT | August 19, 2020 at 07:26 AM (Originally published online at Globe st.) COVID-19 …

Exceedant In the News: The Evolution of Lease Negotiation (originally published at Read More »